Roland Berger Consulting points Green Taxiing possible help for APP activities decarbonization
31 may 2024
The Roland Berger consultants have recently focused in a dedicated article the interest in developping green taxiing on airports.
As Gabriel Schillaci (Roland Berger partner) says "Ground-level decarbonization vital for airports,requires evaluation, planning and collaboration with specific processes between stakeholders to ensure CO2 savings are secured." This is exactly the approach we, at Ecotug, intent to organize in order to study and developp the Aircraft Extended Towing Procedure
read the article

Greentaxiing progress with Stargate program (BRU)
3 may 2024
Greentaxing is part of the program developed by Stargate at Brussels airport.
The Stargate program, launched in November 2021, is one of three Green Deal airport projects funded by the European Commission to accelerate the greening of the European airport and aviation industry. Among the projects, green taxiing is actualy tested in partnership with Taxibot.

Virgin Atlantic Flight100 flies to a sustainable sky
28 Nov 2023
First ever 100% SAF powered flight took off yesterday from Heathrow to JFK showing the path to decarbonized aviation travel.
Everything is possible. it's just a question of means. Today, SAF represents only 0.1% of aviation fuel consumption. But it's clear that it's one of the greater way insdustry has to follow to match the net zero emission goal by 2050.
One of the way should we say. By mixing SAF with better practices such as Green Towing also called Aircratf Extended Towing Procedure, hundreds of kilograms could be saved on each IN & OUT movement on the ground. A good way to preserve SAF and E-Fuels for airborne time. It could be also a real economical advantage as SAF price is far much higher than Jet A1.

Taxibot starts demonstration of the green towing feasibility
Nov 2023
TLD-SAS & partners have engaged a campain for testing the electric green towing Taxibot ACFT tractor at CDG airport.
From november to march, several flights will be extendily towed in order to demonstrate that the practice could reach the expectations on CO2 reduction.
This opens the way for other options available on the GSE market as several constructors may propose new generation TBL* tractors for similar testings. Ecotug is on the line with its own partners.

A Challenge highlights the feasibility of AETP
June 2023
The participation of a KLM flight with a 787 at the 2023 Skyteam Sustainable Flight Challenge has foreshadowed the future of the AETP developed by Ecotug in partnership with Trepel.
The Boeing 787 departing for LAX with pax, cargo and fuel has been towed from the terminal to a point close to the Runway, while engines remained off. The charger 380 electro has demonstrated the capability of a towbarless tractor to proceed a 1.5km extended taxi run with a full loaded aircraft. The operation result was a 200kg jet A1 saving plus a 600 kg avoidance of CO2 emission.
The complete operation can be reviewed on the Trepel website

EcoTug : solution for a more sustainable taxiing
May 2023

The AETP concept in a short video
22 April 2023

Scoring of taxiing datas
05 November 2022

Routing, speed, duration are some of the precious datas we are compiling. This aims to demonstrate the merits of our AETP concept. More than one per cent of the jet A1 burned by heavy aircrafts is due to taxiing operations. This represents an amount of 3.000.000 tons of fossile energy every year.

2023 will be the time to keep engines off

GSEExpo Paris Le Bourget
15 Sept 2022

Single engine taxiing. How far is that relevant to reduce aircrafts emissions?
10 june 2022
Among the solutions evaluated to fight air transport CO2 emissions, ground concerns regarding the aircrafts are including parking stand electrification to avoid APUs usage and single engine taxiing. Even if this solution is already applied to move aircrafts on the tarmac, It could be difficult to make it as a new "sustainable" standard. This is Why:
If the public can easily figure out the possible advantages of moving a plane by dividing the use of the engines by two, facts are unfortunately not necessary so obvious. Speed, taxiways condition (slipery ones) but also turns can become critical points when using only one engine on a multiple engine plane. Assimetric forces that apply in particular conditions can create some important structrural solicitations, especialy on wide bodies airplaines.

Moreover, moving an aircraft on a single engine mode requires more power on the running engine than with the standard mode where a balanced thrust is available. This will of course affects the benefits balance of green house gas emissions.

Looking for an airline to evaluate AETP
30 May 2022
Green taxiing is on the line to match with sustainable aviation practices. Nowadays, new towing tractors can gently move the planes for dispatch towing and take care of their NLG. This makes a big difference with former tow bar tools
That green taxiing concept could become quickly a new standard on big airports. Before that, the concept has to demonstrate its relevance in both simulated and real conditions.
As a part of Ecotug's work to develop the Aircraft Extended Towing procedure, a Proof of concept has to be conducted. We are now looking for an airline that aims to participate for free and become a pioneer actor of this new sustainable practice.

Ecotug team in Germany to try the new Charger 380 simulator
13 April 2022

Thanks to our partner Trepel Airport Equipment, we have been able to preview the new towbarless Chariot simulator version developed by Rose Simulation GmbH.

This simulator will be the perfect tool to realize realistics towings before the live testing of the AETP.

Shall we consider Taxibot as the unique solution?
15 March 2022

Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam plans to purchase two TaxiBots to move aircraft from the gate to the runway instead of using their own jet power, according to operator Royal Schiphol Group. It’s part of the airport’s effort to reduce pollution and make operations more sustainable

Green taxiing is part of SESAR program
March 2022

AEON is a European project funded by SESAR Joint Undertaking that aims at innovating airport ground operations with more environmentally friendly taxiing techniques for the aviation sector. In particular it aims to define a concept of operations for engine-off taxiing techniques, making use of novel technologies that are coming onto the market, such as Taxi Bots, E-Taxi and Single Engine Taxiing

How much will you pay for a 28 minutes aircraft towing?
February 2022

What is the towing cost for an airline? brings the answer

Ecotug associates to TREPEL Airport Equipments for a POC
January 14th 2022

A partnership has been signed between the Ecotug consultants group and the german tug manufacturer TREPEL Airport Equipments GmbH